Light-up Ghost Mason Jars

“Ghost hug! You can’t feel them, but it’s there!” – Unknown

I love ghosts at Halloween. There is something about the cuteness of them that just makes me smile. What better addition to my mason jars than a cute tea light ghost.


  • Mason jar
  • White acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • aluminum foil/ wax paper
  • Peel and stick paper
  • Flowers (optional)
  • Tea light or votive candle


  1. Clean the glass before painting. Cleaning your glass before you paint on it is very important for a few reasons. To clean it, you could use soap and water or rubbing alcohol.


Every one could use more mason jars.

2. Get your working area ready. This may sound like a stupid step and often is forgotten. Acrylics dry fast and you don’t want to be running around grabbing things while your paint is drying. I like to use wax paper or foil for my paints. Everyone normally has them on hand and it makes for a very easy clean up. Plus the paints can’t seep through to the area under.

3. Make a stencil for your face. The easiest way to create a face unique to you is to make it yourself. I go into how to make a stencil in a different post.

4. Paint. After cutting out the face and placing it where you would like it on your jars it is time to paint! I understand that this can be the scariest process for most people but, being a painter, there is nothing more fun. 😀 The Basics acrylic line from Liquitex has a very nice texture and can easily be thinned down by water. If you would like a set that is professional yet non toxic and kid friendly check out the set from Arteza! Long, smooth strokes in the same direction can help create a smoother looking finish.


Googly eyed mason jars

5. Remove the face. After the glass is all painted and dried carefully remove the peel and stick face you created. If the paint ran under some of your face take a knife and scrape off the paint gently.


6. Display. And there you have it! Place candle in and light it up. It is so cute!


If you like this make sure the check out these other popular post!

Googly eyed mason jar.png

In case of fire , break glass

The land of the free 

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